Race-Gas® Announces its Direct-to-Consumer Rebate Promotion Motorsports Fuel Equipment, the makers of Race-Gas®, the very popular line of race fuel concentrates, announces its spring promotion. From March 1 to March 31, 2022 customers will receive a $20 gift card if they purchase any two quart cans of any of its Race Fuel Concentrates. The promotion includes:
To claim your gift card, go to https://race-gas.com/forms/rebate. Upload your receipt and enter your address and we will send you a $20 gift card! Offer good in the US and Canada only. For purchases in March 2022 only. Redemption deadline April 15, 2022. Race-Gas: How do you fuel your passion? NOTE: This Race Gas Consumer Rebate Applies to the purchase of the Thirty Two Ounce Cans Only! |