Vibratech TVD Products

Caterpillar Crankshaft Dampers

Caterpillar Crankshaft Dampers

Cummins Crankshaft Dampers

Cummins Crankshaft Dampers

Detroit Diesel Crankshaft Dampers

Detroit Diesel Crankshaft Dampers

Intl Navistar Crankshaft Dampers

Intl Navistar Crankshaft Dampers

Vibratech TVD - Torsional Vibration Dampers

Viscous Crankshaft Vibration Dampers by Vibratech For Heavy Duty Diesel Engines 

KLM Performance offers the Vibratech Viscous Crankshaft Dampers for the Class 8, Large Commercial Engines, and Over The Road Truck Engines.

The crankshaft damper is a vital component of your heavy duty diesel engine.
This crankshaft damper or harmonic balancer is one of the most important pieces of equipment on your engine. Vibratech TVD is an American Company that has been producing American Made Torsional Viscous Vibration Dampers for over 65 years.

These Vibratech TVD viscous torsional dampers are a free rotation inertia ring surrounded by a viscous silicone fluid enclosed in a precision machined steel housing that is laser welded. The entire liquid-filled crank damper assembly is computer balanced to ensure optimum performance of your heavy duty diesel engine.

These performance diesel dampers work on both stock and highly modified diesel engines. Original equipment dampers that utilize rubber or elastomer rings to dampen vibrations are prone to deterioration that may destroy engine components in as little as 1 to 3 years.

OEM Vibration Dampers are prone to degradation as the miles and run times add up. Rubber damper rings dry out and cracks over time, reducing the effectiveness of the damper.

Exposure to oils and solvents can cause rubber damper rings to swell and quickly break down. These changes in hardness and elasticity, over time, will cause damper failure and damage to expensive engine components.

Vibratech harmonic crankshaft dampers are the only viscous dampers that are race-proven and fully built in the USA.

These high performance replacement dampers are very different than your stock elastomer harmonic balancer. 

Vibratech Torsional Vibration performance dampers protect across a broad frequency range and can become more effective as your power level increases. These Vibratech Vibration dampers are designed as application-specific replacement crankshaft dampers. 

The destructive effects of uncontrolled torsional vibrations cause:

  • Crankshaft Cracking or Failure
  • Excessive Bearing Wear
  • Extreme Gear Wear or Failure
  • Broken Accessory Drives
  • Thrown or Slapping of Belts
  • Increased driver fatigue

Signs that the OEM crankshaft vibration damper is now failing:

  • The bonded rubber on the harmonic balancer is cracked.
  • There is bulging or missing rubber between the hub and outer ring.
  • Age and repeated heat cycles have caused the rubber to degrade
  • A collective failure will be the outer ring separating from the hub causing damage inside the engine bay.
  • There is a noticeable increase in the level of in-cab vibrations.
  • A wobble of the damper is apparent during engine operation.
  • The damper's outer ring is now separating from the hub.

Due to countless combinations of performance upgrades, the simplest and most cost-effective solution for controlling destructive torsional vibrations is to install a Fluidampr performance diesel damper.

By design, the Fluidampr viscous vibration dampers protect your engine from these torsional vibrations across a broad range of frequencies and power levels. The earlier a Vibratech TVD performance damper installation takes place, the more you’ll benefit from its protection, performance, and the ability to ensure long-term engine life.

Why Do I Need A Performance Harmonic Balancer / Crankshaft Damper?

Installation of any performance parts that increase the engine's power output or torque, such as intake, rods, pistons, flywheel, flexplate, fuel pump, injectors, exhaust, cams, and any ECM changes typically will increase in torsional vibration magnitude and frequency.

These performance upgrades also raised torsional vibrations above the level the OEM damper was not designed to handle.

Stock harmonic balancers are typically tuned for a 50hz peak variance at a particular power level. Alter any of the engine's rotating assembly parameters, and it may leave your critical engine components unprotected when torsional vibration is at its peak.

High Performance Diesel Crankshaft Damper Features and Benefits:

  • Designed to accommodate stock to extreme power levels.
  • It will not wear out and will last the full life of your engine.
  • Vibratech torsional vibration dampers never need to be tuned or rebuilt.
  • They have proven to save you the expense of costly rebuilds related to damper failure.
  • As a viscous damper, it continuously adjusts in real-time to control torsional vibrations.
  • Controls vibrations at all power levels and engine RPMs.
  • 100% Made in the USA!
  • Reduce wear on the main bearings and timing gear.
  • Only a Viscous Damper improves valve train operation and efficiency.
  • It will reduce the risk of Oil Pump Failure.
  • It provides a more accurate valve train operation.
  • Lower the risk of crankshaft failure.
  • Vibratech Performance Heavy Duty Diesel viscous replacement crankshaft dampers automatically adapt to your engine modifications.
  • Vibratech TVD vibration dampers feature precision machined and computer balanced components.
  • Viscous Crankshaft Balancers provide a proven reduction in the wear of critical engine components.

Please feel free to Contact Us if you have any questions regarding a High performance American-made Viscous Damper for your engine.

Heavy Duty Diesel Damper

What is a Torsional Vibration Damper or Crankshaft Damper?

Torsional vibration is the slight twisting and rebounding motion of the crankshaft generated by the torque load of each power stroke.

A damper absorbs this harmful vibration and reduces the amount of rebound resonating back through the crankshaft. 

Without a damper, torsional vibration can contribute to crankshaft failure, accelerated main bearing wear, and excessive gear wear or engine failure.  All of these scenarios can create unexpected costly downtime and increased maintenance costs.

Why do I need a High Performance American Made Vibratech Vibration Damper?

The Vibratech TVD viscous crankshaft dampers are made in New York State at an ISO 9001 accredited manufacturing facility.

The Vibratech facility uses the latest CNC machining equipment and quality control procedures available to produce the best viscous damper on the market.

The benefits of reducing torsional vibration with a new Vibratech TVD damper installed at recommended intervals include:

  • Prolong engine life
  • Reduce the main bearing wear
  • Improve valve train timing
  • Lower risk of crankshaft failure
  • Improved fuel economy
  • Reduce driver fatigue
  • A noticeable reduction in mirror vibrations

When should the damper be replaced?

Overtime on a heavy duty engine, the recommended change interval for most motors is 500,000 miles or 15,000 hours of run time.

Your OEM dampers silicone begins to revert from its original state to a solid.

As this progresses, the silicone becomes thicker, and the reaction time or shearing of the inertia ring decreases. The reduction of crankshaft damper performance diminishes with age.

This degradation has an incredibly negative effect on the damper's ability to absorb the different harmonics of the engine throughout its entire RPM operating range.

How can I tell when the engine damper requires replacement?

  • Excessive wear of engine bearings
  • Excessive wear of accessory drive gears
  • Cracked or broken attachment brackets
  • Loosening of bolts and fasteners
  • Throwing or slapping belts
  • A decrease in engine horsepower and torque
  • Reduced fuel economy
  • Annoying Vibrations
  • Increased driver fatigue
  • The engine is loud and you feel increased vibrations levels  
  • The serpentine pulley belt may be slipping 

Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Crankshaft Dampers or Vibration Dampers

The crankshaft damper is a vital component of your heavy duty diesel engine. This harmonic balancer is one of the most important pieces of equipment on your engine. Vibratech TVD is an American Company that has been producing American Made Torsional Viscous Vibration Dampers for over 65 years.

These Vibratech TVD viscous torsional dampers are a free rotation inertia ring surrounded by a viscous silicone fluid enclosed in a precision machined steel housing that is laser welded.

The entire liquid-filled crank damper assembly is computer balanced to ensure optimum performance of your heavy duty diesel engine. These performance diesel dampers work on stock and highly modified diesel engines.