FASS Electric Heater Kit Accessories
The FASS Fuel Systems offers Electric Heater Kit options as a means to aid the Cold Start of your diesel engine. The ability to provide Heated fuel is very beneficial when the temperatures drop.
The FASS Lift Pumps Electric Diesel Fuel Heater Kits are an upgrade for FASS Systems being used in extremely cold climates. Each FASS Lift Pump pump has one or two ports for electric heaters, which help aid in cold weather starts and keep fuel from gelling while driving during extremely cold temperatures. The diesel fuel heater will begin warming once the key is in the on position and will automatically shut off after the proper temperature has been reached. While FASS Fuel Pumps are built to start your diesel engine in the coldest of temperatures, adding a FASS Electric Heater Kit will have you geared up for whatever mother nature throws your way!
These FASS Electric Fuel Heater Kit are available as an accessory option for the Fuel Air Separation Systems. These Electric Heater Kits will begin warming your diesel fuel once the key is in the "ON" position and will automatically shut off once the fuel is at its optimum temperature.